•  +91 9934057511, +91 99344 31459
  •  siddharthasujata@yahoo.co.in


Hello Everyone

Myself siddharth kumar and I am very happy to introduce niranjana public welfare trust An Indian non-profit Organization in bihar. I have had been established on 01 Feb 2001but started work began from 1996 I welcome you all. Niranjana trust with a motive for the offering and development of educating poor children’s,save life of an orphans children, Farmers, Women empowerment, Health education and medical, Agriculture, Sustainable Development,culture development etc. To develop the capabilities of children and youths, we need to help them to build the culture of hope, trust and healthy relationship among people across all over world. Helping them to evolve more confidence and critical thinking, they can go on to the second step, taking an active role in developing their communities and countires.We are very grateful for the support that we get from many individual people that make our work possible.We always welcome support offered and please feel free to visit us and join our activities at any time.